Does My Heart Health Affect My Brain?

Dementia includes multiple symptoms affecting memory, thinking, and social abilities. 1 in 6 women and 1 in 10 men over 55 years of age will develop dementia in their lifetime. It may come as a surprise that the heart has a direct effect on brain health.

Energy Drinks – Are They Bad For Your Heart? (Part 2)

The number of hospitalizations and deaths related to energy drinks is on the rise. Although most contain caffeine and sugar similar to drinks like soda, there are additional unhealthy ingredients in energy drinks.

Look Out for These Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

A heart attack, or myocardial infarction, occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is disrupted. Without blood, the heart is deprived of oxygen and nutrients and ceases to properly function.

What Exactly is High Blood Pressure?

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? High blood pressure, or hypertension, is when the force of blood pumping against the walls of blood vessels is consistently too high.

Energy Drinks – Are They Bad For Your Heart? (Part 1)

With over 500 brands on the market, energy drinks have grown in popularity as physical and mental performance boosters.

Easy to Follow New Year’s Resolutions for a Happy Healthy Heart

At the end of the year, you may ask yourself which habits you want to take with you and which habits you want to leave behind. As you enter the new year, bring some resolutions for a healthy heart with you.

7 Easy Tips to Stop Overindulging in Holiday Food

One of the best parts of the holidays is enjoying festive foods. Year after year, we overindulge, gain holiday weight, and promise ourselves to lose it in the new year.

Why Magnesium is a Special Treat for your Heart

Magnesium is the gift that keeps giving this holiday season and year-round. It is critical for electrical and mechanical activity in tissues such as nerves, muscles like the heart, and blood vessels. It is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body.

Does Leg Pain Interfere with Your Holiday Preparations?

Everyone is in holiday mode. Whether it be decorating the house, cooking epic holiday meals, or marathon shopping trips, your legs are feeling the strain. You may find yourself celebrating the holidays with leg pain and swelling.

Holiday Leg Pain

It is officially the holiday season, and many people celebrate by traveling. Unfortunately, certain travelers overlook the impact that long trips have on their health.