Blood Clots

Blood clots are a natural phenomenon in a healthy body called coagulation. Platelets and plasma in the blood stream interact to form a clot over an injury to a blood vessel, stopping bleeding.

The Number One Killer of Women – Part 2

With heart disease being the leading killer of women, it’s necessary to know and manage your risk factors for a better chance of leading a heart-healthy life.

The Number One Killer of Women – Part 1

Heart disease is ranked as the leading cause of death in women. Many women, however, will often not recognize the warning signs of Coronary heart disease (CHD) until their health and lives are in extreme danger.

High Heels and Varicose Veins

Most women love how high heels make their legs look. They feel taller and more beautiful when wearing them, but the truth is that those gorgeous stilettos can lead to serious health issues.

Heart Attack Signs in Women

Most people associate heart attack symptoms with a heavy chest pain that radiates down one arm…

Make Heart Health A Part of Your New Year’s Resolution

Many people fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions each year because they focus too much on short-term or superficial goals.


#‎Sclerotherapy‬ is a medical procedure used to eliminate varicose veins and spider veins. Sclerotherapy involves an injection of a solution (generally a salt solution) directly into the vein.

Obesity and Your Heart

Obesity – One of the worst epidemics around!

Sex and Heart

Men get heart disease ten years before women normally do. Why is this? Some suggest that men’s higher level of testosterone is the cause; some doctors suspect that there is a link between testosterone and heart disease.

Don’t Be Moody, Your Heart Does Not Like It

Have you or a loved one ever suffered from a heart attack or heart disease? Have you ever suffered from depression?